The Club started in the year 1968 and has completed 56 Years in carrying out its stated objects of Fellowship and Service.
It boasts of having one of its Charter Members in its roll even today.
It conducts regular meetings of its members as well as undertakes projects of various nature regularly over the years.
It has its own Constitution within the frame work of the International.
Our Club was the First to sponsor a Lioness Club of the then undivided District 324 A.
We have sponsored 12 New Clubs over the years.
We were the Club to introduce the concept of RELAY PROJECT which is carried on even today when the District Governor visits every Club.
We have adopted the village Injambakkam in the year 1975 as per the District Governor’s Program and continue our activity even till date with the village.
In the village adoption we had carried out the following programs:
This is an annual event conducted by the Club before Deepavalli function for the last three decades. We distribute Dhotis / Towels / Sarees etc., to old age homes and other similar Centre’s which purely run on donations to take care of these inmates. The beneficiaries are more than 5oo and it is on the increase from year to year.
The birth day of this well-known National Poet of Freedom times is celebrated by the Club on an annual basis for the last two decades or so by conduction of an elocution and essay writing competition for the Corporation Schools in Chennai and prizes awarded in a grand function to the winners after a motivating speech by a distinguished dignitary. All students participating are awarded Certificates and books of knowledge as a motivation .
With the endowment created by well meaning Lions of our Club and other donors we periodically provide either a lunch or a breakfast to inmates of Cancer Institute / other service organizations/ schools who need them on the appointed date of the donors. This has been carried out without fail on regular basis.
“THINK BIG “is the slogan we had adopted. True to this our future projects are as follows:
As the medical Centre is gaining popularity in the neighbor hood and the need for Quality Service at an Affordable Cost, we would like to expand our medical Centre activities by adding the following:
A new building to accommodate the activities.
Adding an MRI Scan
Adding an Echo Cardiogram
Breast Cancer Analyser- Mammogram
We intend to fund the project through voluntary donations for which we have formed a Trust in the name “MADRAS EAST LIONS CHARITABLE TRUST” which enjoys the exemption u/s 80 G of the Income Tax as well as registered for receiving CSR Funds.